Thursday, July 30, 2009

HOT- Tattoo Fever- Find the Perfect Tattoo

Have you ever found a tattoo design you liked but couldn't get a high quality image of it. Or are you looking for tattoo inspiration ideas?

Ok, so I don't have a tattoo. But when two of my friends alerted me to tattoo fever, I thought it was so ingenious that I had to post it.

What Is It?

If you are contemplating getting your first tattoo, or need millions of high quality professional designs, Tattoo Fever is for you. 14, 735 designs to be exact, many even personalized and customized. Larger and higher quality than tattoo designs and images you would find on regular sites.

What Do You Get?
Tattoo Fever gives you any design, exotic symbol, logo, character you pretty much want. Stuff you won't ever find in the shops.

Angel Tattoos
Animal Tattoos
Asian Tattoos
Butterfly Tattoos
Cartoon Tattoos
Celtic Tattoos
Clown Tattoos
Cross Tattoos
Demon Tattoos
Devil Tattoos
Dragon Tattoos
Fairy Tattoos
Flower Tattoos
Kanji Symbols
Monster Tattoos
Native American
Pinup Tattoos
Religious Tattoos
Skeleton Tattoos
Sun and Star Tattoos
Symbol Tattoos
Tribal Rings
Tribal Dragon

What's Not Hot?

Nothing. Tattoo Fever is totally hot. Best of all, you can share this with your friends, and if you are an artist have some creative inspiration for your next drawing.

HOT- Daniel Molano's Newbie Blueprint Plan

Get ready aspiring work-at-home telecommuters. No this isn't data entry. It isn't survey taking. It isn't even pay-per-click email reading. The online money making blueprint creator Daniel Molano describes is effective, guaranteed and A LOT of work.

What Is It?

It's article marketing linked with affiliate marketing. What's that exactly? The Newbie Blueprint plan is a step-by-step how to guide to help new online marketers squeeze serious cash from affiliate marketing online products. If you don't know anything about online marketing, Mr. Molano teaches you everything. Best of all, he teaches you how to exploit absolutely free internet marketing methods.

Is It Worth It?

I do own this product, so this isn't just an ignorant promotional pitch. While religiously following his strategy can be time-consuming and at times exasperating, it really does pay off and earnings are achieved through multiple streams of income.

What Do You Get?

*A step-by-step, easy to follow comprehensive guide designed for absolute beginner (I didn't even know HTML!)
*Advanced marketing techniques for advanced marketers
*Worksheets, checklists and colourful diagrams designed to put everything into a visual perspective
*Free internet tools designed to help you choose commercially valuable keywords, estimate targeted traffic, ezine directories, blogging advice, meta tag builders and more
*His own personal 100% 90 day money back guarantee
*Ongoing support and free newsletter and marketing tips
*To improve your writing and marketing skills

What's the Bad Part?

The entire Newbie Blueprint Plan is designed so you don't have to pay a cent, and although it is a fool-proof way to make money online, it does require patience, time, creativity and dedicated effort. Once you do get through your first few difficult months though, the rest of your earnings really will be on AUTO-PILOT.